A Wednesday

Wednesday morning with big big breakfast, banana pancake and scramble eggs, green and black olives and some nice dried tomato paste. Two cups of coffee, let's start the day. many things to get done today, laundry and cooking, walk with kids, some indoor activity with them, and making art. 

Fast start to the day but also the count down begins, next week the school starts and I need to spend as much as I can with my babies. first week will be tears and heart ache but they need to spend some time with people their age, the need this kind of supportive community like teachers and friends, as much as I will miss them, we all need this, we are ready. 

my boy is five and my baby girl is three, it is a huge change for us happening for the first time but we are all just excited, and I am hoping and praying for the best. 

Other than this, I am still a little bit all over the place with this new flat, I am unable to put a work flow as the studio we originally planned to be my workspace is a bit messy and the lightening is terrible and I need to find a better solution and arrangement for what I currently have, it's pleasing aesthetically but not practical at all, I still didn't find a corner or a place I am connected to if you know what I mean, I thrive best under sun rays and in this specific room the sun says goodbye at around 11:00AM, before afternoon. It might sound not that big of a deal but painting under direct day light instead of artificial light is whole different story.

Anyways, I need to start on my list of to do, but feelings gets better with writing, it's comforting. Today's simple pleasure was drawing with my kids, we opened up and each drew what it make them feel happy, sad,angry and afraid. It is absolutely a great way to know you little one deepest desires and needs without asking directly about it. we also had little walk outside and played some hide and seek. 

I guess that it is for now, will go and heat up the leftover pasta and chicken, wishing you a lovely day! 


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