welcome September

The las two days I had no energy to open my laptop and type anything, I was overwhelmed and sleep deprived so I preferred to stay away from my laptop or any consumption of media all together. we had two slow mornings, in a row, breakfast in balcony, making puzzle and lego for hours. we had family member visiting over for an afternoon coffee which was a mood lifter for me and the kids. 
We also created a little activity which may turned into a ritual I feel, 15 min on bed, My kids like to call it sport our, but it is actually nothing that resemble sport, we just turn on ABBA playlist and jump on the bed, dance, scream, make funny faces on the mirror and they then start riding on my back they fall on all the cushions and pillow. 

other than this, nothing much happened, my husband is coming home in an hour, thankfully, I cannot wait for the four of us to be together again. My day is filled with ups and down after I put them to bed, both smiling and relaxed, after I called my mom and texted my sister, had a nice shower, and I got few candle lit, two burgers and one bog bowl of salad waiting on the table, there is nothing more than I need. I am grateful, and so blessed. 
to a new season of pleasures, welcome September. 


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